This scene takes place the morning after Leo and Guillaume have met. Leo is already on his way to Terengia and Guillaume is still sleeping in Leo’s hotel room.
A few hours later, I’m woken by a knock on the door and a cheerful “Room service” call. After I shout a “Come in”, a handsome bi-racial man enters the room, his face alight with a smile.
“Monsieur le Marquis Clancelle, I presume?” His smile widens even more. “My name is Frederick and I am a concierge at this hotel. His Royal Highness has asked me to assist you this morning and to bring you breakfast.”
My gaze falls on the cart next to the door, a delicious aroma wafts from it.
“May I help you up before I serve breakfast?”
I’m touched that Leo has been thoughtful enough to consider my needs this morning, but I’m also embarrassed. It must have taken me too long to answer, because the concierge has covered the short distance to where I’ve been sleeping and bends down expertly to help me rise.
I must look completely astonished, because he laughs before explaining, “I trained as a nurse before I switched to the hotel industry. You can’t imagine how useful that knowledge is in the hotel business.”
I’m still far too surprised to make a sound.
“The closest bathroom is the en suite in this room,” the man continues, pointing to Leo’s room. “I also took the liberty of bringing you a toothbrush and some toothpaste. Would you like me to assist you to the bathroom?”
I finally find my voice again, “No, but thank you.”
He smiles and nods kindly at me. I get the impression that he’s not only a man of many talents but a truly cheerful soul.
Frederick walks ahead while I bring up the rear on my crutches. Then he lays out the toiletries for me next to the sink, and even conjures a shower chair from somewhere so I can freshen up without having to stand in the shower.
He turns to me before leaving the bathroom.
“I’ll get breakfast ready for you then. Am I right in thinking that the dining room table would be best for you, or should I put it on the coffee table?”
“The dining table would be perfect, thank you very much,” I reply with relief. It’s so nice to be around someone who knows how to cater for a differently abled person without me having to ask.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?”
Despite still feeling exhilarated from last night, I have to admit to myself that today isn’t going to be good, as far as my leg’s concerned. So, I force myself to turn to the cheerful hotel employee next to me.
“Can I ask you a big favor?”
“Of course,” he replies without hesitation. “That’s the concierge’s job,” he adds with a wink.
No matter how bad your day is looking, I defy anyone to be in a bad mood around this man. Smiling, I dig my car keys out of my back pocket.
“My car is parked in the handicapped parking space right in front of your hotel. There’s a wheelchair in the trunk, could you bring it to me?”, I ask, feeling the need to explain myself. “I stood for far too long at a ball yesterday, and I’m afraid that even the short walk to the car might be too much for my leg this morning.”
Still smiling, the concierge takes the car key from me—as if getting wheelchairs out of guests’ cars is the most normal thing in the world.
“No problem at all,” he explains. “I’ll get breakfast ready and then go on my wheelchair mission.”
Now I have to laugh. I was spot on with my initial assessment: This man is a true joyful spirit.
“Thank you!”
“Anytime,” he says as he closes the bathroom door and leaves me to it.
When I’m done a little while later, I find my wheelchair within reach just outside of the bathroom. With a sigh that is a mixture of surrender and relief, I gingerly lower myself into it. I leave the crutches where they are on the floor. I’ll get them before I leave.
I wheel myself out into the living room, and it’s clear the furniture has been rearranged to make navigating the room in a wheelchair easier. On the table, next to a place setting without a chair, my breakfast is waiting. I send a big thank you to whoever made sure this concierge was on duty today.
As I take the hoods off the various serving platters, a wonderful aroma wafts toward me. I quickly pick up my cell phone, snap a photo, and send it to Leo with a thank you and a smiley face as a caption. Then I tuck in.
Having just stepped through the door into my quarters at the royal palace, my cell phone beeps. When I unlock it, my heart leaps with joy as I see a message from Guillaume. It’s a photo showing a huge breakfast. I smile and answer him immediately.
Me: I would so love to be digging in with you now.
The reply I get has me laughing out loud. It’s a selfie of Guillaume with puffy cheeks crammed with food like a hamster. Before I can reply, the famous three dots appear, indicating that he’s typing another message. I wait impatiently.
Guillaume: By the way, thank you for sending the concierge to help me. Did you know he’s a trained nurse?
That makes me laugh again.
Me: Ah, so he introduced himself to you as a concierge. That’s what he originally tried to do with me too. I’ve known Frederick for a long time. His family OWNS the hotel. He trained as a nurse during his rebellious phase. But I still think that job really suited him.
Guillaume’s reaction comes promptly: an astonished looking smiley and then: … and I also send him to my car to get something.
Me: He must have really wanted to. Especially if he did it himself rather than sending someone else, because the Frederick I know only does what he wants to do.